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Company: SunCoast Airlines    Flight Id: SCZ806    Flight Date: 2011-04-23    Pilot: SCZ_66
Aircraft Name:Airbus A319-100 SunCoast Airlines
Aircraft Type:MEJ
Departure:KDEN - Denver Intl - Usa
Departure Time:09:30:00 (15:30:00 GMT)
Arrival Time:14:36:00 (18:36:00 GMT)
Cargo:1754 lbs
Flight Result:Perfect
Take-Off Weight:146814 lbs
Landing Weight:127418 lbs
Take-Off Fuel:21238 lit.
Landing Fuel:10203 lit.
Fuel Burn:11035 kg
Total Distance:2 198 km
Total Time:03:06:30
Total Time Night:00:00:00
Total Airborn Time:02:58:07
Total Time On Ground:00:08:40
Max Altitude:33021ft
Cruise Speed:463 kt
Landing Speed:145 kt
Landing Pitch:2.52°
Touch Down:-243.08 ft/mn
Captain Sent Mayday:0
Crash Flag:0
Passengers Opinion:100%
Passengers Opinion Text:--Were highly entertained by the movie.
-Were in a better mood because they had food.
-Were pleased by the music on ground. A very nice addition to their flying experience.
Failure Text:-
Casualties Text:-
Pilot Bonus:378
Pilot Bonus Text:-You made a very nice landing. (+50)
Perfect Flight, no problems and very satisfied passengers. (+150)
You landed at the scheduled airport. (+30)
Long flight (02h58) without using time acceleration, without any problems and with satisfied passengers. (+148)
Pilot Penality:0
Pilot Penality Text:-
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