Virtual Airline PHP Enhanced Script for FsPassengers - 2.0.0 - jan 04 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- by jens roos This is the latest version of the 'Virtual Airline PHP Enhanced Script' that replaces the file 'FsPlistflight.php' based on script written by Daniel Polli, Peter Schindler and Andrea Cocco. It adds a paging function to the list table as well as sorting options for each column. It also simplifies the way the table rows are created and allows for easy adding/removing of data columns. All user editing is to be done in the top section of the script and in file fsplistcfg.php. See a preview at Format in tabels asumes following dataformat in database: speeds in kts, altitue in feet, distance in nm (shows km in tables), fuel in kg Ff other standards is used or wanted in the reports the scripts and sql queries needs to be editied You need the base package of the VA PHP-script from the downloads section. Unzip all file using foldernames and replace the file 'fsplistflight.php' with this one. No further modifications needed. Question and suggestion could be sent to or via FSP forum Regards Jens Roos Change log: 2.0.1 - 060105 - changed default sort order for flights.